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发布日期:2011-01-15     来源:   

    中国市政工程西南设计研究院成立于1956年,是建设部直属的综合甲级勘测科研设计单位,2000年进入中国房地产开发集 团,院本部位于四川省成都市。我院专业配备合理,技术力量雄厚,设备保障精良,实践经验丰富,管理体系完善,社会信誉良好。

   建院四十多年来,我院先后承担完成了西南地区的四川、重庆、云南、贵州、西藏和上海、天津、深圳、珠海、杭州、南京、厦门、泉 州、青岛、唐山、茂名、西安、太原、海南等省市及国外各类给水排水、工业与民用建筑、道路桥梁、城市燃气、城市规划、园林绿化、电气自动化控制、机械设备和水工结构、城市 污水与工业废水处理、工程测量、地形航测、水文地质、工程地质、环保评价和降水工程等市政基础工程勘察、设计、科研、工程总承包和监理项目二千多项,承担完成国家重点攻关 科研课题项目八十余项,工程监理项目十余项,荣获国家、部、省级优秀设计奖、优秀工程质量奖、全国科学大会奖、科技进步奖和重大科技成果奖八十余项,其中引滦入津工程荣获 国家优质工程金质奖章及国家优秀设计奖,成都市水六厂工程荣获全国第六届优秀工程铜质奖,重庆市九龙坡水厂工程荣获全国第七届优秀工程铜质奖,上海市闵行三水厂工程荣获全 国第九届优秀工程铜质奖,成都三瓦窑污水处理厂一、二期工程荣获四川省优秀设计一等奖,贵阳市花果园立交桥荣获贵州省优秀设计二等奖。

   改革开放以来,凭借雄厚的技术力量,丰富的实践经验,良好的企业信誉,我院在“立足西南、面向全国、开拓沿海、走 向国际市场”的经营战略方针指导下,从1983年起,相继在深圳、珠海、上海、厦门、昆明、贵阳、杭州、重庆等地建立了综合性的设计分院和设计处,强化质量管 理,加强后期技术服务,为当地的市政建设作出了积极贡献,取得了良好的综合效益。与此同时,加强国际间的业务往来与技术交流合作,多年来,我院与世界二十多个发达国家和地 区建立了友好合作关系。在国内外有关公司的协作支持下,先后完成了埃塞俄比亚给水工程、瓦努阿图别墅工程、维也纳“中国园林”工程、巴基斯坦卡拉 齐污水处理工程、尼泊尔科-苏桥梁工程等国外项目的设计、施工。近年来,在承担的多项大中型世界银行贷款和外国政府贷款项目中,我院均全过程参与,特别是成都水六厂 BOT全国第一个试点项目与法国OTV公司配合默契;通过国际合作项目我院不仅掌握了大量的国外先进技术和信息、积累了丰富的经验,而且受到了国内外各方的良好评价,为祖 国争得了荣誉。

   四十多年来历经几代人不懈的努力,我院已形成了专业配套齐全、知识结构合理的设计队伍;建立健全了在院长领导下,以总工程师负 责的技术质量保证体系,并于1990年通过了建设部全面质量管理达标验收,2000年通过了ISO 9001质量体系认证并注册。与此同时,注重抓好设计人员的知识更新与 技术进步,加大设备投入,改善设计条件。目前,计算机计算和CAD出图率已达100%,并通过国家科委组织的验收,荣获了CAD应用工程国家级示范企业称号,有效地提高了 设计效益与设计文件成品质量,为企业的可持续发展打下了良好的基础。

   中国市政工程西南设计研究院的企业精神:“团结,创新,敬业,奉献”,质量目标:“质量 第一,信誉至上,科学管理,争创一流”。






Southwest Municipal Engineering Design &

Research Institute of China

Brief Introduction 

   Southwest Municipal Engineering Design & Research Institute of China (SMEDRIC) was found in 1956, directly under the ministry of construction of china, a grade A comprehensive institute for survey, design, and research, headquarters of the institute is located in Chengdu, Sichuan. In 2000, SMEDRIC affiliated with China Real estate development group.SMEDRIC has reasonable specialties and strong technical force, excellent equipment, rich experience, comp2lete management system, and well social credit.

   In well over forty years past, SMEDRIC completed all kinds of interior & overseas more than 2300 projects for survey, design and research in fields of water & wastewater engineering, industrial & civil architecture, road & bridge, urban gas, urban planning, garden greening, electric automatic control, mechanical equipment & hydraulic structure, hydrogeologica l& engineering geological, treatment of urban sewage & industrial wastewater, engineering survey, topography survey, environmental impact assessment and lowering of water table by engineering method etc. municipal basic engineering in succession in southwest area of Sichuan, Chongqing, Yunnan, Guizhou, Tibet, Lhasa, Shanghai, Tianjing, Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Hangzhou, Nanjing, Xiamen, Quanzhou, Qingdao, Tangshan, Maoming, Xian, Taiyuan, and Hainan etc. provinces and cities. Among these projects, there are 80 national key research items, 10 items of research achievement popularizing, more than 20 general contract projects which were designed by SMEDRIC, more than 10 supervision engineering, totally more than 80 awards, issued by state, province, and the ministry of construction, have been given to SMEDRIC for her outstanding engineering design, excellent engineering quality and significant scientific-technological achievement etc.. Especially, the works of water diversion from Luanhe river to Tianjin city was awarded national quality golden medal and prize of outstanding design, Chengdu No.6 water plant was awarded copper medal of national 7th Excellent Engineering Comparison, Shanghai Wenxing No.3 water plant was awarded 2nd grade award of ministry of construction for excellent design, Chengdu Sanwayao sludge treatment plant was awarded 1st grade award of Sichuan province for excellent design, and Guizhou huaguoyuan Fly-Over bridge was awarded 2nd award of guizhou province for excellent deign (for detail, see attached awarded list).

   Under the guidance of operating strategic principle—“Based on southwest China, Developing Coastal Area and Entering International Market” , since 1983, SMEDRIC with rich technical personnel, plentiful practical experience and very good reputation, has successively set up many branches and deign department in Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Shanghai, Xiamen, Kunming, Guiyang, Hangzhou and chongqing etc., which strengthen quality management and following service. Great comprehensive benefit are resulted and great contribution to local municipal construction.

   Meatime, increased international business and technical interchange, many years past, SMEDRIC has set up friend cooperating relationship with more than 20 developed countries and districts. With the support and cooperation of relevant companies, many oversea projects have been completed such as Ethiopia Water Engineering, the design of villas in Vanuatu, Chinese Garden in Vienna, the design of Karachi sewage treatment plant in Pakistan, and the design and construction of Kosu bridge in Napal etc. In recent years, SMEDRIC participated in whole process of many large & medium size world bank loan projects and foreign government loan projects, especially, the well cooperation with OTV company of france for Chengdu No.6 water plant BOT project is the first national launch pilot project; through the international cooperation project, SMEDRIC not only controlled large quantity of exterior developed techniques and information, but also gathered rich experience, which lead to highly evaluation and good reputation for our country.

   Persevere hard work of several generations in well over forty years past, SMEDRIC has a design group with complete specialty and reasonable intellectual structure; established a complete quality guarantee system which is authorized by board chair of SMEDRIC, in charge by chief engineer, and it passed quality Standard acceptance of ministry of construction in 1990, and past quality system guarantee of ISO9001 in 2000. Meanwhile, SMEDRIC lays stress on renewing intellectual and progressing technics, enlarging equipment investment, and developing design condition. At present, computer calculation and CAD drawing issue rate gets to 100%, and it past acceptance of national scientific committee organization, won example enterprise designation of national appliance engineering, design benefit and quality of design production was developed effectually, well basis was found for continuos development of SMEDRIC.

   Enterprise Spirit of SMEDRIC is “Unity, Innovation, Diligence and Contribution”, and her Quality principle is “ Quality First, Credit Supreme, Scientific Management, and Pioneering Work for First-Class”.   

Address:Xinhui road No.11 Chengdu Sichuan            & nbsp;     Tel:(028) 83311902, 83311445

Website: PRC Post Code: 610081            Fa x:(028) 83331442


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