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发布日期:2011-01-15     来源:   


    中元国际工程设计研究院始建于1953年,是国家甲级工程勘察设计单位。具有机械、建筑、城市规划、医药、船舶、 兵器、铁道、市政、商业、智能建筑、环境污染防治等工程设计和工程勘察证书,并具有工程总承包、建设监理、工程咨询、压力管道、压力容器设计等甲级资格。有独立的进出口经 营贸易权、对外经济合作资格证书、进出口企业资格证书、自理报关单位注册登记证书、工程造价咨询 单位资质、施工图设计文件审查许可证和质量体系认证证书,是全国勘察设计 综合实力百强单位之一。

    全院现有职工700多人,其中各类专业技术人员600多人,占职工总数的86%,其中高级职务230多人,中级职 务250多人。有全国设计大师3人,享受政府特殊津贴专家70多人,有一级注册建筑师41人,一级注册结构师80人、注册造价工程师19人、注册城市规划师10人、注册监 理工程师46人、建筑施工企业项目经理70人,其中一级20人,二级41人。

    本院技术力量雄厚,专业齐全。现有机加工、装配、冲压、焊接、涂装、仓储、铸、锻、热处理等工艺、理化试验与无损 探伤、专用设备(含工业炉)、建筑、结构、装饰、动力、电气、自控、采暖通风、空调、给水排水、环保、总图、物料搬运、噪声控制、隔震抗震、动力设备基础、技术经济、计算 机软件等30多个专业。目前院内设计机构设有:工艺工程所、物流工程所、建筑工程一所(医疗建筑研究所)、建筑工程二所(公共建筑研究所)、建筑工程三所(住宅建筑研究 所)、能源与环境工程所、自控系统工程所、技术经济所、建筑工程设计审查咨询所等。改革开放以来,为了适应特区和沿海地区建设事业发展的需要,在海南、厦门、上海等地成立 了分院,在北京设立了兴华工程咨询公司等一批分支机构。

    自建院以来,本院承担了近千项国家级重点项目和重大工程项目任务,为重型、工程、石化、通用、汽车等机械制造厂, 为医药、建材、冶金、海关检测等及其它工业,以及小型电站、集中供热、各类动力站房、城市规划、商场、宾馆、住宅小区、体育馆、医院、民航、学校等大中型项目提供了技术咨 询、可行性研究、工程设计、工程与设备承包、建设监理、资产评估等服务。

    本院十分重视技术进步,近几年自行开发的技术转让项目有280多项次,主编和参编的国家技术规范、技术标准、标准 图达39项,部标准规范6项。共获国家级和省部级科学技术成果奖175项,专利16项。代表项目有:巴基斯坦重机厂、第一重机厂技术改造、第二重机厂技术改造、徐州工程机 械集团公司技术改造、柳州工程机械厂技改工程、厦门工程机械厂、中国国际航空公司、首都国际机场、上海浦东国际机场、深圳机场货运站、配餐中心、飞行员训练中心、生产运控 中心及行李处理系统、BAC型工业炉微机控制系统、3米钢材预处理线、高能X射线电子直线加速器定时显相系统无损检测、北京西罗园集中供热厂、北京翠微园小区、北京方庄小 区、北京新东安市场、北京万通新世界广场、北京远洋大厦、北京航空航天大学体育馆、北京朝阳体育馆、北京石景山体育馆、北京邮政枢纽、北京市交通指挥中心、北京中粮广场、 燕山大学、广东佛山医院、金华中医院、北京医科大学第一临床医学院妇儿医院、秦皇岛妇幼保健医院、北京大学眼科中心、北京安贞医院等工程设计项目和人民大会堂维修改造、中 华人民共和国外交部办公大楼建设监理,以及自行开发的多层与高层建筑结构CAD软件,工业厂房排架计算,平法软件等,赢得良好的声誉。

    本院积极发展与国外咨询、设计及设备公司之间的合作,先后与日本、德国、美国、意大利、保加利亚、澳大利亚、法 国、英国、芬兰及香港地区的多家公司合作,承担了建设项目的咨询和工程设计任务。还向国(境)外提供技术劳务、交流人才。

    本院认真推行全面质量管理,1989年通过了部级达标验收,后又被评为部推行全面质量管理先进单位。1996年获 得ISO9001质量体系认证证书,2002年又通过了ISO9001:2000质量管理体系认证,标志着院的管理水平又上了一个新的台阶。本院大力弘扬“团 结、敬业、求实、创新”的院精神,注重发挥单位的综合优势,追求完美的设计和良好的服务,为发展国内外的建设事业不断做出新贡献。


Brief Introduction to IPPR Engineering International

(Former Institute of Project Planning & Research, MMI)

    Early established in 1953, IPPR Engineering International is an engineering design and survey organization with state-level certificate of grade A and one of the “comprehensive strength 100 powers” of project survey and design institutes in China. It possesses the following engineering design and survey certificates including machineries, buildings, city planning, medicine, ships, weapons, railways, municipal utilities, commerce, intellegent building and environmental pollution protection; grade A qualifications including general project contract, construction supervision, engineering consultation and pressure pipeline and vessel design; independent trade managing rights for import and export bussiness; foreign economic cooperation qualification certificate; import/export enterprise qualification certificates; self-aided declaration unit at customs registered certificate; confirmation certificate for the quality system of project price consultation unit; checkup license for construction drawings and design documents and certificate of quality system authentication.

    Now, of its more than 700 staffs, approx 600 are technical personnel working on the posts of various specialities and accounting for 86 % of the staffs. Among them, more than 230/250 are of senior/middle-ranking titles respectively; three persons are awarded the honourable title of “state design master”; about 70 are granted the titles of state-level expert enjoying governmental subsidies; 41 are state grade A registered architects; 80 are state grade A registered structural experts; 19 are registered cost estimators ;10 are registered urban planner; 46 are state-level registered supervision engineers and 70 are project managers of architectural construction enterprises, in which 20 grade A and 41 grade B.

    With rich technical forces and complete specialities the institute now has more than 30 specialities including machinery processing, assembly, stamping, welding, coating, storing, foundry, forging, heat treatment, physical/chemical testing and harmless inspection, special equipments (including industrial furnaces), building, structure, decoration, power, electricity, automatic control, heating/ventilation, air-conditioning, water supply and drainage, environmental protection, general layout, material handing, noise control, shock insulation/protection, kinetic installation foundation, technical economy and computer software. Now, the institute has the following production organizations: Dept. of Technology Engineering, Dept. of Material Flow Engineering, 1st Dept. of Architectural & Building Engineering (Health-Care Architecture Unit), 2nd Dept. of Architectural & Building Engineering (Public Building Research Unit), 3rd Dept. of Architectural & Building Engineering (Residential Building Research Unit), Dept. of Energy Source/Environmental Engineering, Dept. of Automatic Control Engineering, Dept. of Technical Economic Analysis, Dept. of International Engineering, Dept. of Checkup and Consultation Office of Building Engineering Design, etc. Since the year of reform and open, in order to suit the need of development for the construction undertakings of special regions and coastal districts, branch institutes in Hainan, Xiamen and Shanghai, Xinghua Engineering Consultation Corporation and Jingxing Supervision Corporation have been set up.

    Since its founding the institute has undertaken a great deal of tasks of state-level major projects and great project items; services on technical consultation, feasibility study, project planning, project and equipment contracts, construction supervision and assets appraisal have been provided for about 1000 large and medium sized projects of machinery ma nufacturing plants including heavy, construction, petro-chemical, general and automobile machineries; medicine, building material, metallogy, custome detection and other industries, together with small power plant, central heating, various kinds of power station, city planning, plaza, hotel, residential quarter, gymnasium, hospital, civil aviation and college.

    The Institute pays great attention to technical progress. In recent years, more than 280 item numbers of self-developed technical possession items have been transferred. As a chief editor, the institute has supervised the publications of 39 items of state technical norms, technical standards and standard drawings and 6 items of ministry standard norms. In all, 175 items of state & ministry-level scientific/technological achievement prizes and 16 items of patents have been obtained. The representative works are: Taxila Heavy Mechanical Complex Ltd of Pakistan; technological transformation projects for 1st Heavy Machinery Plant, 2nd Heavy Machinery Plant, Xuzhou Construction Machinery Group Co and Liuzhou Construction Machinery Plant; Xiamen Construction Mach. Plant; China International Airlines, Capital International Airport, Pudong International Airport of Shanghai; freight station, food preparation center, pilot training canter, production operation/control center and baggage treatment system of Shenzhen Airport; microcomputer control system for BAC type industrial boiler; 3m steel products pretreatment line; time video system for harmless inspection/measurement by means of high energy X-ray electronic linear accelerator, Xiluoyuan Central Heating Plant of Beijing, Cuiweiyuan Residential Quarter of Beijing, Fangzhuang Residential Quarter of Beijing; Beijing Xindongan Plaza; Beijing wantong New Century Plaza; Beijing Ocean Building; Gymnasium of Beijing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics, Beijing Chaoyang Gymnasium; Beijing Shijingshan Gymnasium; Beijing Postal Hub; Beijing Traffic Directorial Center; Beijing Zhongliang Plaza; Yanshan University; Foshan Hospital of Guangdong; Jinhua Chinese Traditional Medicine Hospital; Obstetrics and Pediatrics Hospital, 1st Medical College of Beijing Medical University, Maternity and Child Care Hospital of Qinhuangdao City, Ophthalmology Center Attached to Beijing University, Beijing Anzhen Hospital; together with maintenance/modification of the People’s Great Hall; construction supervision of the office building of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of PRC; self-developed CAD software for multistory/high-rise building/structure and calculated software PIEMCAD for bent of industrial factory building. The above items have gained high prestige.

    The institute has actively developed co-operations with overseas consultation, design and equipment corporations. It has successively developed co-operations with several corporations of Japan, Germany, USA, Italy, Bulgaria, Australia, France, UK, Finland and HK district. It has undertaken consultation/design tasks for construction projects and provided overseas technical labours and personal exchange.

    The institute strictly popularized complete quality management; in 1989 we passed the ministry’s checking and acceptance; later, we were appraised as an advanced unit of complete quality management by the ministry. We were awarded the certification of ISO9001 quality system authentication in 1999. We were passed reexamination confirmation of ISO9001: 2000 quality system in 2000, which marks management of the Institute in a new higher level. The institute will develop further the spirit of the institute – “unity, devotion, realism, innovation” and continuously make new contributions to construction undertakings at home and abroad.


Address:5 Xisanhuanbei Road, Beijing,

Tel:(8610) 68732765

Website: http://www.ippr.com.cn  PRC Post Code:100089


E-mail: office@ippr.com.cn  

主办单位:四川省勘察设计协会 备案序号:蜀ICP备2021016876号-1 地址:成都市人民南路四段36号
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